The idea of xeriscaping really came to life when droughts started to urge less water consumption in the 80s. Originally starting in Denver, CO, the ultimate goal of this model was to create attractive and inviting landscapes while using as little water as possible. Over the years, and when implemented correctly, xeriscaping has not only saved water, but it has also provided healthier landscapes during extreme climate conditions, and has reimagined the way we think about landscaping entirely. Although this was initially popular in the Southwest states, just about all 50 states are now in on this movement, even those that have plentiful rainfall, and the practice only continues to grow, innovating and saving every step of the way
Xeriscaping is a type of landscaping that emphasizes using plants and materials that are well-suited to our climate in Utah, they require minimal watering. The word "xeriscape" comes from the Greek word "xeros," which means "dry," and "scape," which means "view" or "scene."
Xeriscaping can look really good because it focuses on using plants and design elements that are both beautiful and water efficient. This can include using drought-tolerant plants, grouping plants based on their water needs, and incorporating features like rocks, gravel, and mulch to help retain moisture in the soil.
Xeriscaping can also be customized to fit a variety of design styles and preferences, from minimalist and modern to lush and tropical. By working with a professional xeriscaping company, you can design a beautiful and sustainable landscape that meets your specific needs and aesthetic preferences.
Overall, xeriscaping is a great way to create a visually appealing outdoor space that is also environmentally responsible and water efficient. By choosing the right plants and materials and designing a landscape that is well-suited to our climate in Utah, you can enjoy a beautiful outdoor water-wise space without having to worry about excessive water use or maintenance.

How much water can I save? And how much can I save? So how much water are we saving here? Is it worth an entire remodel of your yard? Well, depending on the extent of how much of your land is xeriscaped, this practice can reduce water use up to 50-75%, saving not only water but money too. Even if you just took out the lawn on your park strip, you can save 5,000-8,000 gallons of water a year. Additionally, xeriscaping not only saves water and money but also time, for xeriscaped landscapes, typically require less maintenance, especially when plants with specific water needs are grouped and when irrigation systems for these groupings are put together with thought and care. So not only are we talking about saving water and money, but xeriscaping has brought another level of convenience to the table. Typically, the water used on our lawns is more than what is used inside our homes. On average, 3,000 gallons of water is used every time a quarter acre piece of land is watered - every 1,000 gallons of water is about $4, so if you were to water this space twice a week for a year, you would be spending about $1,200. If you were to xeriscape this same amount of land, you could save $600-900, spending closer to $300-$600 a year for your yard’s water instead.